
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Overcoming Colds &Flu 

    If the immune system is strong people don't get sick, which is why some people get ill and others do not. The following article is cold and flu explained from a Traditional Chinese Medical perspective. This information is meant to be used as a tool, both to learn to avoid 
getting colds or flu, and to quickly contain, or minimize the effects of viruses, if contracted.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been effectively treating colds and flu for thousands of years.
    Viruses cause colds and flu, which result in the formation of mucous. When mucous accumulates in the sinuses, or the lungs, it can create an environment for bacterial growth. This bacteria is evident when mucous becoming colored: yellow, green or brown. So colds and flu are initially viral but can turn into a bacterial infection. Once they become bacterial, as well as viral, colds and flu take longer to resolve.
      There are Chinese herbal formulas that kill viruses. Antibiotics do not kill viruses, they kill bacteria. If phlegm accumulates in the sinuses or chest, as a result of a virus, there are specific formulas, and Acupuncture treatments, that dispel the phlegm. There are hundreds of Chinese herbal formulas, for treating specific types of phlegm, whether it is in the sinuses or the chest, thick or thin, profuse or scanty, causing a productive or unproductive cough. There is even a formula for the phlegm stuck in the throat at the end of a viral episode. ( Something every vocalist should know about.) There are other formulas for inflammation of the sinuses or lungs, headache, sore throat, earaches and infections. There are also herbal formulas, and Acupuncture protocols, for stomach flu, and resolving the fatigue caused by a long bout of flu. And of course there are wonderful formulas and Acupuncture treatments to build the immune system to prevent colds, flu, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and sinus infections. Most patients feel immediate relief after an Acupuncture treatment from these assorted respiratory problems. 

    The following are Chinese herbal formulas for the initial stages of viral and bacterial infection. These are very old formulas and are therefore available in many brands. One should look for the GMP rating, which is an international certification, insuring purity and the integrity of the product. Plum Flower is one brand with GMP rating, offered in tablet form. The following formulas are available in pills, or liquid (from a practitioner) that can be added to juice for children, or people with difficulty swallowing pills. The pill forms of these are available from Acupuncturists and many Health Food Stores.

   Jade Screen is a formula that can be taken all year long to build up the immune system of someone prone to viral infections, taken just during flu season, or when exposed to viruses.
    Gan Mao Ling is a formula to treat colds or flu. It kills viruses. If taken at the very first signs or symptoms of a virus, illness can often be avoided.
    Yin Chiao is another formula for colds and flu. Pills can be swallowed, but if chewed, can sooth a sore throat on contact, and enter the blood stream quicker for faster results. Sore throat, fever, or colored mucous would be indications for this formula.
Chuan Xin Lian acts as a herbal antibiotic. Again, antibiotics do not kill viruses but if mucous becomes colored, indicating bacterial growth, this formula should be added to the viral formulas. If a bacterial infection starts, flu becomes more serious and prolonged.
Bi Yan Pian quicklyresolves nasal discharge and swollen inflamed mucous membranes. 
If taken soon and every 3-4 hours during the day, these formulas can usually prevent serious illness. If  phlegm develops in the sinuses, ears or chest, go to an Acupuncturist for treatment, for specific formulas, and relief of symptoms. This can shorten the duration of discomfort and down time.
     Creating labels, and marking each formula, assists in learning formulas, and quickly assessing which are appropriate when needed. 
     Starting Jade Screen in August, and continuing the formula though out cold and flu season, is a good way to build the immune system to prevent illness. 
    Keeping these formulas on hand, and learning to use them, can help keep people healthy throughout cold and flu season. 
                                                                     Health & Happiness,
                                                                               Nancy Burton, L.Ac.  

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