
Monday, August 27, 2012

Chinese Tea Eggs

            A high protein snack in China, for taking on hikes, offered in tea houses, by street vendors, and made at home. After boiling, shells are cracked for a marbled effect, then simmered and steeped in black tea, soy sauce and spices. One of my favorites!
            Eggs have gotten a bad rap in the US.The studies about how bad they are for health  came out about the same time corporations were trying to convince people that cereal, from a box, was a healthy breakfast. Eggs are one of nature’s wonder foods, easy to digest, a great source of protein, vitamin D, and good fats. Eggs supply the kind of fats that promotes the HDLs (good fats) as opposed to the LDLs (bad fats). Though not to be eaten every day, as they are a damp food (foods that contain or create oils or fat in the body), they are a wise choice to include in a healthy diet, as long as they are organic”.

6-8 Organic Eggs, hard boiled
2 Black Tea Bags
2 teaspoons Palm Sugar
½  cup Tamari Soy Sauce, or Braggs Amino Acid
1 teaspoon Sea Salt
Sat Anise  4 pieces
2 Tablespoons Five Spice Mix (available in most Health Food and and grocery stores)
Mirin  dash ( a rice cooking wine available in Asian section of grocery stores)

Boil eggs 10 minutes. Pour out water. Let eggs cool. Crack shells with back of knife or spoon, cracking shell of entire egg. This needs to be done with enough force that the shell and membrane underneath are cracked, for a marbled effect.  Fill pan with enough water to cover eggs. Add all ingredients, mix, then add eggs. Simmer for 1 hour, then let cool and steep in mixture overnight, in refrigerator. Enjoy!
                                                                                 Health & Happiness,
                                                                                                Nancy Burton, L.Ac.

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