
Thursday, August 16, 2012

More on Colds and Flu

   Each year viruses mutate, so this year’s viruses may be different from last year’s strain. Colds and flu are the body’s way of spring cleaning. When too many toxins accumulate in the body and one more virus, pollen, dust particle, pollutant, etc. comes along the body says, “That’s it…EVERYONE OUT!” Nasal discharge, fever, diarrhea, rashes, vomiting, colds and flu and allergies, are ways the body has of pushing toxins out fast. By stopping these symptoms, without treating the root cause, with over the counter medications the body is forced to retain the toxins.
    After attempting to treat a flu bug with over the counter medications and/or antibiotics many people experience a re-occurrence of the “same flu” in a relatively short amount of time. They have not contracted another virus. The body is trying to push the old virus out, which the medications have forced it to retain. This often results in more medications that prevent the body from healing and leads to a build up of toxins in the body.
“I never get colds or flu!” is something heard quite often either from people with strong immune systems, or from people with chronic health problems, diseases and cancer. When toxins are pushed down in the body and not appropriately resolved, over time, they will manifest in other ways. The body no longer has the strength to do spring cleaning and serious illnesses can result.
    Pharmaceutical antibiotics cause the additional problem of killing off beneficial bacteria in the body. Some bacteria is there for a reason. It is necessary for the digestive and immune systems. It takes six months to re-establish the positive bacteria in the body and in that amount of time, due to a depleted immune system, people often contract colds and flu again, then use more antibiotics which starts the cycle all over. JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) and the New England Journal of Medicine, the top U.S. medical journals, have been warning doctors, well over ten years, not to give out antibiotics for viruses at the risk of depleting the immune system. At times antibiotics are necessary for bacterial infections, but over-use can seriously deplete their effectiveness when needed.
    People can ingest up to 52 different antibiotics a day if they are eating meat, eggs and dairy that is not free range or organic. This also builds up a tolerance for antibiotics, so if they are needed, they don’t work, which is one reason for rampant staph infections in U.S. hospitals, and the "Super Flu's “ we are seeing today.
    GMO (Genetically Modified ) foods are likely another culprit. How are cells penetrated to insert DNA of one species into another? Viruses and bacteria! There no long term data on the results of ingesting foods infused with viruses and bacteria, but common sense would suggest avoiding such foods.
    What can be done to prevent colds and flu?
    Unfortunately, a magic pill is not always the answer for a depleted immune system. Strengthening the immune system is the answer in preventing colds, flu, allergies, and chronic disease. A healthy diet, as opposed to the SAD (Standard American Diet), exercise, and stress reduction, builds and protects the immune system. As we are all biochemically individual, a healthy diet for one person might not be so for another. Immune challenged individuals, including those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, or Fibromyalgia, would benefit from seeing a Licensed Acupuncturist. Aside from taking Jade Screen, diet plays an essential role in a healthy immune system. Eating animal products free of antibiotics and artificial estrogen, that's used to increase animal weight and the production of milk and eggs, organic fruits and vegetables, as opposed to GMO and nutrient depleted foods, a wide range of many colors and textures of vegetables, which facilitates detoxification, while avoiding sugar, processed foods, and an excess of dairy products, can all help prevent illness. Digestive problems are a sign that food is not being assimilated, leaving the body deprived of the nutrients necessary for good health. Digestive issues should be addressed by a Holistic practitioner.
    Managing stress also plays an important role in a healthy immune system. Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong help relieve stress, as does meditation, and Acupuncture, by enabling the body to go into an relaxed Alpha state, in which the body can heal at an accelerated rate. Other exercise, including walking, running, biking, swimming, and sports increase the flow of Qi, or energy, in the body including the energy that protects the body from colds, flu and other pathogens. 
    It is possible to stay healthy throughout cold and flu season, even when exposed to viruses. Becoming familiar with these tools is a step on the road to reclaiming our health.

 Health and Happiness,

Nancy Burton, L.Ac.

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