Spiced Cream of Rice
Over indulging in sweets, dairy, or alcohol for the Holidays can leave one a bit off in the morning. A good breakfast to settle the stomach and the head is a rice dish. Rice is drying, ginger warms the whole body but also dries dampness, dissipates phlegm, settles the stomach, aids digestion, and helps clear the lungs, cardamon and cinnamon move energy, warm the body, elevates pain, aid digestion. Cinnamon also warms the extremities. A little bit of sweet, the dash of vanilla and maple syrup, aid digestion. Too much sweet impairs digestion, so don't over do.
I have a coffee grinder I use just for grinding up grains. They are an inexpensive tool for the kitchen.
1/4 cup organic brown rice, ground fine
3 1/2 cups water
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/8 teaspoon dried ginger or 1/4 teaspoon fresh minced ginger
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon cardamon
2 organic eggs
1/8 cup favorite milk substitute ( unsweetened almond, or hazelnut, hemp, rice... sweetened with brown rice syrup)
1/8 cup organic maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon organic vanilla extract
The spices can be altered to taste. Pour water into sauce pan, add salt and bring to boil. Slowly pour in ground rice, stirring constantly. Turn heat to low and cook 45 minutes. Beat eggs and 'milk' together, until completely blended. Slowly our into cooked rice, stirring constantly. Stir in spices, vanilla extract, and maple syrup. Put lid on sauce pan and let cook another 5 minutes.
For an additional shot at warming spices that settles the stomach and clear pain in the head try Slightly Sweet Oregon Chai, mixed half and half with milk substitute. My favorite is half Chia, 1/4 hemp milk, for the creaminess, and 1/4 hazel nut milk. The Oregon Chai has some cane juice but for an occasional treat it is delightful.
Make a vegetable smoothie to have later in the morning, with warm water, some apple or pear and plenty of minced ginger, to improve energy and detoxify. Enjoy!
Health & Happiness,
Nancy Burton, L.Ac.
534 Washington St. Ashland, OR 97520
For Appointments Call: 541-646-0134
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