
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why Organic, Part 2  GMO

GMO food, (Genetically Modified Organisms) is another reason to 'Go Organic'. Altering the size, taste, and looks make produce more marketable. Making crops pest and disease resistant make them more profitable. But how do GMO companies get the DNA from one species into another? What actually penetrates cells, and is used to piggy-back the chosen genes? Viruses and bacteria! What long term effects will this have on the health of animals and humans who ingest it? How many people want to sit down to a dinner of viruses and bacteria?

Since these corporations were able to by- pass FDA regulation, by stating that they were just growing food, no different from growing other food, they also by-passed the tests for public safety. And yet, they were able to get patents on their products, on the basis that it was different than anything created before. What is frightening about these patents is the law suits by the GMO corporations against farmers who had seeds blow into their fields from surrounding GMO fields, or even off the trucks carrying GMO seed. These small independent farmers are being strong armed into using GMO products or go out of business. If these practices are permitted to continue, it is conceivable that the global food market could be patented, and monopolized by a few companies. 

Modified not to reproduce more seeds from GMO produce, farmers must repurchase seeds each growing season, instead of producing their own seeds from their own crops. And if their seeds fail? Historically, when there is a lack of diversification, crops can be annihilated by nature, such as the potato famine of Ireland, where a nation relied too heavily on one type of crop to feed its population. If GMO companies succeed in cornering the world food market, what potential global disaster are we setting ourselves up for? Under the circumstances, going organic is more important than ever.

                                               Health & Happiness
                                                         Nancy Burton, L.Ac.

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