
Sunday, July 22, 2012

 Treating Depression: Part 1

            Depression is not something a person can “just get over” or “snap out of”.  Depression is a physical manifestation that results in loss of control over emotions. It creates a downward spiral of stress, anxiety, fatigue, and despair for no apparent reason. While drugs can sometimes help people maintain or cope, and can be helpful in acute situations, they can have side effects, and can suppress positive as well as negative emotions. Drugs just treat symptoms, as opposed to treating the root cause of the problem. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Formulas have been used in China to treat stress, anxiety and depression effectively for thousands of years. Combined with other Holistic modalities, such as homeopathics, nutritional supplements, exercise and diet, people can obtain the tools they need to regain control over their emotions, and their lives. 

Depression results from stress. Prolonged stress projected outward can become anger or irritability, manifesting as road rage, and verbal or physical abuse. Accumulated stress projected inward can result in depression, which is essentially ‘verbal’ and physical abuse of oneself. (How many people would say the horrible things to a friend that they say to themselves in this state, encourage them to stop eating, or feed them excessive junk food or alcohol?)

There are many causes of depression, with a variety of combinations causing depression for different people. Treating Depression: Part 1 is the discussion of one of the most, if not the most prevalent cause, Liver Qi Stagnation.
In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) stress, anger, irritability, and depression have to do with the energetic function of the Liver. The Liver Channel is responsible for circulating all the energy in the body. When that energy is not flowing as it should it can create a wound up feeling, like a spring ready to be sprung. Everything can become overwhelming. The type of insomnia that inhibits falling asleep because the mind won’t shut off is another symptom, as is waking approximately between 1-3 AM with difficulty returning to sleep.

To treat these symptoms, find an Acupuncturist. Expect fairly quick results, as opposed to a series of treatments, three or more, with little or no signs of improvement. If there are no signs of improvement in a reasonable amount of time, find another Acupuncturist. We all have our specialties, and even the best of us can’t help every single patient that walks through the door, which is not to say that another Acupuncturist, with different techniques couldn’t help that same patient.

Acupuncture reroutes and encourages the flow of Qi, the vital energy in the body, (pronounced Chi).  Typically, patients feel better after the first treatment. How long this lasts depends on the severity of the depression. Mild cases require Acupuncture once a week, until symptoms are under control, at which point every other week and then a maintenance program of a once a month would be advisable. For severe cases, three times a week or more, for the first week or until symptoms are under control, can break people out of the pattern of fatigue, darkness and despair, enabling them to take a more proactive role in other aspects necessary for recovery, such as diet and exercise.

Chinese herbal formulas are also used by many Acupuncturists to accelerate healing.
If the case of depression is that of Liver Qi Stagnation (Energy not flowing properly in the Liver Channel) than the formula Xiao Yao Wan, which translates to Free and Easy Wanderer can be incorporated. This formula facilitates the appropriate flow of Qi and is a popular formula for either occasional or persistent symptoms of stress, or the type of insomnia where an overactive mind prevents sleep. Free and Easy Wanderer is a very old Chinese Herbal formula and available in many brands, many of them excellent, some to be avoided. Plum Flower is a GMP rated brand available at many Health Food Stores. GMP is an Australian agency, comparable to the original intent of the FDA. It is considered the top international standard for herbs, insuring quality.

Chinese Herbal Formulas are used to correct imbalances in the body and are often modified then discontinued as symptoms decline and disappear. Some formulas are appropriate for occasional use if symptoms reoccur, preventing acute reoccurrence, and should therefore be kept on hand in one’s herbal medicine cabinet. Labeling formulas with their use is helpful to remember what they are used for and as a reminder to use as needed.

While Liver Qi Stagnation is the most typical pattern causing depression, there  can be other underlying causes or combination of causes manifesting additional symptoms, for example extreme anxiety, chronic fatigue, or types of insomnia other than previously described. The Acupuncturist’s initial appointment is to discern the underlying pattern of a health issue, or combination of issues, create a (Acupuncture) Point Prescription, and choose an Herbal remedy to treat that pattern.  A first treatment is usually included in a first appointment.

Even in severe cases of depression, the first treatment of Acupuncture and initial doses of a Chinese Herbal Formula can restore balance in the body and enable patients to feel better. Subsequent treatments can maintain long term balance and be invaluable tools to help people regain control of their lives.

                                                            Health and Happiness,
                                                                        Nancy Burton, L.Ac.

Depression: Part 2
Continued discussion of other contributing factors of depression, and additional tools to alleviate and prevent re-occurrence. 

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