
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Creating Recipes

Creating Recipes

My sister-in-law made a wonderful paella for a family gathering. "Mama, tell the story." our three year old grand-niece begged her mother.
"Once upon a time," our niece began, "a long time ago, there was a queen who was traveling through the countryside. Now things weren't like they are now, with restaruants and hotels. When people traveled they had to stay where they could, in people's homes, if they would have them. So when this queen stopped at a poor farm house the farmer was honored to have her but also horrified, for he had nothing fit to serve a queen. He sent those of his household around to his neighbors to see what they had to add to the rice he had available. One neighbor had seafood, another sausage, another vegetables. Into the ceramic dish they went with the rice and some chicken stock.
"What is this dish called?" ask the queen,"It is one of the best I have tasted. " Paella" the farmer replied, which meant, 'For Her.' "
This is how recipes were created.  Whatever was readily available, or abundant, was used. Today, in our society, with so much to chose from, it is almost more difficult to be creative, than it was to be forced to use what was at hand. People cling to recipes, instead of determining what is fresh, at it's peak, and are afraid to make changes, incase it doesn't work out. 
When cooking, have a spoon on hand and taste. Does it need more of this or that ingredient? What would give it more zip, or make it more interesting? Don't be afraid to experiment. Try new spices, new seasonings. Incorporating different flavors, salty, sweet, sour... stimulate different parts of the pallet, giving people the urge to take another bite.  
Miso and soy sauce,  Tamari (the wheat free soy sauce, or Braggs Amino Acids are good for a salty flavor. Mirin (Rice Wine), cinnamon, Stevia (the green dried leaves) are good for a touch of sweet. Lemon juice or brown rice vinegar are good to have on hand for a dash of sour. Subtle blends of flavor make a dish. Experiment and have fun, and you can come up with your own favorite recipes, fit for a queen.

                                                Health & Happiness,
                                                         Nancy Burton, L.Ac.
                                                             534 Washington St.  Ashland, OR  97520
                                                             For Appointments Call:  541-646-0134 




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