
Monday, February 4, 2013

Stone Soup

Stone Soup

One of my favorite childhood stories is that of Stone Soup. It about a soldier who arrives at a small European village. The villagers knew that soldiers took what they wanted and move on, usually carrying all they could with them, leaving the villagers to starve. So when soldiers were spotted everyone hide their food, their daughters, wives, and other valuables. 
When this particular soldier showed up, instead of molesting the people, he took out a pot and some wood and set up a camp fire, in the center of town. Into a boiling pot of water he dropped several stones. One or two brave souls approached and ask what he was doing. 

"I am making stone soup." he told them. "The most wonderful soup you will ever taste, and you are more than welcome to join me when it is done." 

They had never heard of such a thing, or of a soldier willing to give instead of take. "Of course," he conceded, " it would be even better if we had a few onions."  

"I have onions!" cried one man, and off he ran to fetch them, bringing more people back with him to try the stone soup as he returned. In went the onions, after stirring and tasting, and assurances that this was shaping up to be an excellent batch of stone soup the soldier sighed, "If only we had some carrots. " 

" I have carrots!" cried another villager and off he went to get them. By the time the soup was done most of the village was present, and each had made their own contribution to the stone soup. Yes, they all agreed when it was done and passed around, it was the best soup any of them had ever had.
It is interesting how the same story, at different periods in one's life, bring to mind different things. Of course this is a wonderful story, with many different lessons but the one that I missed before is the variety that went into that soup. That is what we crave. That is what we snack or binge, or over eat trying to get. Variety! 

Our hunting and gathering ancestors, sought out each day ate many different colors and textures of foods that they gathered as they roamed from place to place. Variety, it feeds our bodies, our minds, our spirits. It is what is missing in so many diets. So, a remedy for cravings, fatigue, and boredom with food is a steamed or sautéed version of Stone Soup. It just makes you feel good!

                                                              Health & Happiness,
                                                                  Nancy Burton, L.Ac.
                                                                          534 Washington St.  Ashland, OR   97520
                                                                          For Appointments Call:  541-646-0134    


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